Below are resources to learn more about the erasure of multisexual identities

Helpful Articles

Is the B in LGBTQ Being Erased?

Erasure of Bisexuality

What it Means to be Polysexual

This article specifically addresses the erasure of the bisexual identity within the LGBTQ+ community. It also examines the challenges faced by the bisexual community.

This article addresses the issue of bisexual erasure along with the specific challenges faced by bisexual individuals. This includes stereotypes, misconceptions, and biphobia.

This article gives an outline of the sexuality, polysexual. It helps people learn about this little-known sexuality.


21 Challenges Bi+ People Face

BattleAxe Bisexual vs. Pansexual: A Brief History

What is Bi-Erasure?

Katia Rants: The Multisexual Spectrum